People of our modern cynical world are not any different from the men and women of the Roman Empire of two thousand years ago. We all share the disease which Pontius Pilate suffered and that is human nature and its inherent skeptical faithlessness. In the account partially described above of this remarkable exchange between Christ and Pilate recorded in the book of John we have the amazing dialog of a human who told God to his face that there wasn’t anything recognizable as truth no matter who made the claim. To Pilate’s dark mind the only thing of real substance was the raw power and brutality of Rome which he represented, but in a way he spoke for all humanity. Jesus had just given him the answer to every earthly problem and that answer was the truth, not any truth but the truth. He told the skeptic that he, Jesus, was a king and that he was sent as a witness of the marvelous truth given to him directly from God the Father.