The Existence of God
“And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” - Paul in his letter to the Hebrews, Chap 11, vs 6. (NASB)
This scripture was a turning point for me in that it convinced me there was something I needed to do. If I was to have the faith necessary to survive as a Christian in a secular world I needed to “…believe that He is..”, to prove God’s existence to myself. Very few believe in God and fewer still can prove his reality. I have come to see that there is evidence everywhere that he exists, but without a strong base of proof in my mind I found not only my faith but my belief in God constantly under attack within my own mind.
It became clear to me that the only possible way to overcome this weakness of character was to conclusively prove that God exists, and have the proof and arguments firmly in my thoughts so that I could deflect any contrary evidence. So I set off the study the proof of God’s existence. This section is a compilation of that study. Many of the concepts are from scripture & literature on the subject. Other’s concepts were synthesized through reading Intelligent Design papers or general reading and meditation. Taken as a body it represents a belief in the existence of God.
Evidence of Design
As an engineer I know that there is nothing fabricated without a rational plan. Complex self-replicating structures or processes do not spontaneously pop into existence. God makes the declaration that he is the creator in the very first sentence in the bible.
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Two important concepts of which God claims authorship: 1) There was a beginning of the physical universe. 2) God did the creating. If he created it then he surely designed it; all of it. We also learn that we can see his hand as the original engineer in the things he created. In Romans Paul explains this elementary concept through a logical argument.
(Rom 1:18) For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
God is angry at those who smother the knowledge he has revealed in his word. I would be too if someone attributed my careful and comprehensive design work to random chance.
(Rom 1:19) because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.
Here is a profound reason that escapes those who embrace evolutionary dogma to explain creation; God made it so clear that any open minded person could see that life and the universe reflect the ordered mind which brought it into being.
Continuing: (Rom 1:20) For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. (emphasis added)
This is a point which is my foundation of a belief in God; his “invisible attributes”, the fact that he is spirit and inhabits a dimension beyond physical science. We see the wind blowing the leaves on a tree which demonstrates the analogy of air; although it is invisible we know it exists by the effects we see. The movement; the animation of a tree by some invisible force tells us something is at work producing that animation. The fact that there are invisible forces (spirit) that are not measurable is not to say that God’s ways are unscientific; after all he invented physical science. Somehow his spiritual dimension transects our physical three dimensional world in such a way we are unable to see it, but that does not negate the existence of a spirit dimension and its affects on our universe. The fact of his invisible existence is provable by the mark of his intelligent design exhibited in the things he made by observing what he created. The most striking example of design is the study of genetics.
In the Psalms, King David was inspired to write:
(Psa 139:14) I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.
The System of Life
Consider just the fact of DNA, a basic component of the blueprint for all life on Earth, which stores the design information for an organism’s structure and purpose. From single celled amoeba to a human being all the design data and instructions are carefully stored and programmed to faithfully control and reproduce the organism. It is breathtakingly simple and elegant yet profound in its meaning, consisting of just four “letters” which make up its alphabet, yet those four letters can produce all the complexity of all human, animal and plant life on the Earth!
DNA has several unique features that make it impossible to have come about by random chance.
DNA: The Vessel Not the Cargo
DNA is a medium of transport just like electronic memory in a computer, it stores and transports information but it is not the information. To be considered information it must transfer intelligible patterns from the author to the receiver. It can take the form of this written work you are reading where the concepts I am explaining which were formed in my mind are related to your mind across a medium (in whatever form you are reading this). It is comprehensible information being transferred & related from one intelligent mind to another, but the information is not the paper & ink or a computer screen they are strictly the transport means.
Information can also be the instructions of a computer program that perform a task. The instructions are the information conceived in the mind of a computer programmer, while the computer is the method that allows their expression. The common thread is that information - and specifically language - is not spontaneously created; it is intelligently formulated, then communicated. All of this process is a part of what is known as information theory. Random assembly of DNA does not constitute information; it constitutes gibberish that will reproduce nothing just like the following strings of characters: ewehaf nobnew oefjsdnfs ldifjaws znifesx fswoqynfes. It looks like language, but it has no value and it lacks the essentials to convey a meaning from my mind to yours. Information has no mass or volume and is transported by a medium. All information is transported in this manner via a carrier or medium via language. DNA is no exception. It meets the criteria of being a language. To be considered a language it must have:
- A structured alphabet or coding system.
- Spelling order; a correct and incorrect arrangement of alphabet to convey information in the form of words.
- Grammar which is the proper arrangement of words.
- Syntax & semantics; A logical and consistent intended meaning of words.
DNA is a medium for information, it is not the information but it is the language for automatic assembling of animated, self replicating life from inanimate molecules. DNA has a four letter alphabet: A, G, C and T which are abbreviations of the amino acids by which “words” are formed. It has spelling in the proper sequence of those letters in the form of genes, it has grammar in that there is a proper arrangement of series of genes (words), and finally it has semantics in that the expression of the intended meaning of the genes (words). Here is a key concept: All of this equals a transferring of encoded information. Information which is transmitted by language and was created by intelligence; it did not come into existence spontaneously. Information is separate and apart from the medium which transmits it just as the information in this article can be transmitted by hand writing, computer word processor, printing press or any form of conveyance. God as genetic designer & programmer, encoded the DNA strand based on his intelligence with complex information with a simple four letter alphabet, just as I have created this series of words from a twenty six letter alphabet, or a human computer programmer writes a program with the intent of “instructing” a machine with a two letter alphabet - one or zero - on how to do a task. It is not the result of a blind, random arrangement of letters, digits or characters as the previous example, but has intelligent intent with purposeful arrangement for a desired result. The probability of this happening randomly is beyond credibility; it just could not have happened.
We know God exists by “…being understood by what has been made…”
as Paul so eloquently stated.
In Genesis we read:
(Gen 1:25) God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good.
He authored their creation, instituted a highly complex system of genetics by which careful and logical information is conveyed via the DNA language so that each kind reproduces its kind within the parameters of variation he allowed by intelligent intent and expressed in their DNA. He created the medium; the DNA, but most importantly, the message or information in the genetic information encoded within the DNA; two separate but necessary entities. The result is that birds beget birds; fish beget fish and so on. Not a random system of wild and erratic combinations where new species are being spawned by mating of fish with cattle or other combinations but a system ruled by order, genetic laws if you will; kind after kind. He also pronounced his design “good”, a profound and true statement by any possible measure.
The incontrovertible proof that DNA was produced by a superior intelligence is not arguable. Information from the mind of God has been faithfully replicated without outside intervention - in the form of DNA language he designed - for thousands of years. Only recently have we been able to begin to decipher the code. The fact that code exists should be enough for a rational person to come to the reasoned conclusion that it is the expression of a mind with limitless intelligence. Attributing it to blind randomness is being dishonest with the facts. It is lying for the purpose of denying a superior, invisible being called God who designed life in all of its incredible and diverse forms. It is academic and intellectual cowardice of unimaginable proportions. Those who teach the lie are “without excuse” as Paul said.
The Meaning of “Natural” Laws
The existence of so called “natural” laws is another proof that there is an established and orderly system of space and time. In the Bible God is credited with the fact that he is the one who issues laws, spiritual or otherwise:
(Isa 33:22) For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.
We can also go to Romans where previously we saw that:
(Rom 1:20) For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.
We see God and the reality of his existence through the things that he has made. We also see no evidence what so ever that new laws of chemistry or physics are spontaneously coming into existence. If we see intelligence behind the information encoded in the DNA of all living things surely the laws of physics and chemistry are a greater set of what needed to be in place before life was ready to be started.
Atomic forces follow specific rules and laws of attraction, bonding, and repulsion that are the basis for tiny intermolecular & atomic bonds which are the foundational forces for all physical substances. Is it reasonable to believe that all of this design and order just happened? If we look at physics we see four fundamental forces at work that allow all mater to behave from the sub-atomic level up to how the stars, planets and galaxies interact; all uniform and constant throughout the whole of known space. These fundamental forces adhere to laws which are a complete set, nothing more is needed or required, which can be described mathematically and are constant across the universe. Should any of these forces be altered in the slightest we would not exist, nor would the universe. Why should this be so? Our reality, our dimension could not be possible with random haphazard forces which could change at will.
God tells us he is constant and I believe him:
(Mal 3:6) "For I, the LORD, do not change; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed.
A description of the one who created all things as explained in John 1 and written of by Paul in the book of Hebrews:
(Heb 13:8) Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.
His moral law transcends time, circumstance or place. It is just as evil to murder someone today as it was when the Ten Commandments were given, and it will always be wrong as long as there are humans who are mortal. Isn’t it reasonable to assume that the constant nature of the physical world where laws form a completed set and do not change is a reflection of the being that made it? Moral law has penalties for breaking them, physical laws do as well, just break the law of gravity by jumping off of a building to see if it is still in effect and see if the penalty is not consistently applied.
Order Can Not Come From Disorder
Any student of physics and chemistry knows that forces and reactions are as predictable today as they were when the universe began. Students of physics are familiar with the Second Law of Thermodynamics which involves a concept called entropy, or the tendency for organized structure to move toward disorganization, to “wind down” if not affected by an outside force. This is illustrated by a glass with ice in it. As time goes by if the room is not made colder or the glass refrigerated the entropy of the ice increases until it all becomes liquid water which is all the same state or temperature. This increase in entropy is universal and affects all physical things. Matter goes from a higher state to a lower state or from order to disorder, and so does our earth and everything we can see and measure. It was set in motion, and it consistently stays in motion until the entropy increases to a maximum point like an old clock that once was wound up slowly unwinds until it stops.
The consistency and order of the universe from tiny to huge, micro to macro declares the fact that it was created, “wound up” at some finite time, and unless rewound it will decline. It is a system that we can marvel at just as David recognized the work of order from a creator in the book of Psalms.
(Psa 8:3) When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained…;
Our world orbits a sun which sustains us with heat and light whose basic process of fusion of hydrogen to helium is regulated by immutable physical laws, with a predictable life span controlled by the laws of physics and thermodynamics. It has been doing this for millions of years with sufficient fuel to continue for many more years, we have no concern that those laws that regulate it will somehow change overnight. Ultimately this ordered system we observe will increase its entropy until it no longer exists.
We inhabit a planet perfectly arranged and “ordained” to support the delicate requirements of life. It is placed in an orbit to guarantee liquid water, and proper temperature. Our earth has a magnetic shield driven by the molten iron core which acts as a dynamo that is perfectly engineered to shield us from the intense radiation of our star we call the Sun. We are sheltered in the back waters of a galaxy free from the violent forces that would make life impossible. What are the calculated odds that such benevolently favorable conditions would exist? They are incalculably miniscule so as to be impossible that those conditions were brought about by a series of favorable accidents.
Mind Transcends Brain
One of the things God claims to have done is create man in his image and likeness, two distinctive descriptive words. What does this mean?
(Gen 1:26) Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
The words used in Genesis are purposeful in that they indicate the kind of beings which humans are. The word translated image has a Hebrew definition of phantom or illusion, while likeness is just that; a resemblance, model or shape. This is significant in that while we resemble our creator, we also are a phantom or image of his intellectual capacities. His capacities far exceed ours but we have the essence of the way his reasons & acts in a limited form. Those atributes are:
1. We have his self awareness which is cognizance of the situation which surrounds him.
2. A conceptual creative nature that allows expression of his intelligence in ways that are not just functional but aesthetic.
3. The extremely important ability to have abstract thoughts and to reach conclusions based on reason or rational thought.
4. The ability to reason based on abstract, intangible concepts.
Self Awareness
“I think therefore I am.” – Rene Discartes.
Self-awareness is the great divide between animal brain and human mind. While animals process information and make decisions they have no awareness that they are temporal, no concept of a future, and no ability to contemplate their existence or reality. They are imbued with instinct which allows them to react without the need for sentience. Although they respond to a stimulus in ways that sometimes mimics self-awareness it is still only instinct. This is much like a child’s toy robot which walks and moves with “human like” agility or travels toward a light. It is just software driving its actions; it is not self-aware.
This ability to recognize our own uniqueness, to have knowledge that we exist, and will have a period of life and growth that will eventual decline and lead to death is a quality only humans have been given. It drives us to do things animal intelligence can not grasp. We strive, plan, manage, and change because we are aware of our intelligence and we use it in ways not possible without self-awareness. The fact you are reading this and comprehending its meaning, and contemplating the ramifications is proof you are self-aware. No animal life is capable of this amazing and profound feat unique among all life on earth. Animal life does not decide to alter its function within the herd, school, pack or any "social" group to become something completely different, and one reason is that they are not self aware. They are driven by instinct which compels them to do what every other member of their species does without question, because there is no ability to question who they are. They are utterly incapable of knowing their intellectual environment.
This is another unique ability that allows us to assess the intellectual environment we find ourselves in, and that we are responsible for our own future, not lead by blind animal instinct, we therefore take action to change based on the self-assessment. Only humans have this ability. For example, we can discover that we are deficient in knowledge on a certain subject and choose an orderly, rational plan to become educated and improve our minds to change our intellectual environment. A specific instance might be a brick layer who tires of the manual labor of his job. He decides to go to school in the evening, earns a degree in finance and radically changes his job, his address, his circle of friends and most importantly his outlook, all of this because he is cognizant of his surroundings and determined by himself to change them with no external force requiring the change. No other living thing can do this; it is special to the human kind but it is shared with the God kind.
Consider that the Creator decided at some point that he wanted to change his intellectual environment. He chose to create space-time and all the physics and chemistry and laws that shape it or are shaped by it. He engineered a three dimensional universe, created a planet – Earth - to seed with created organisms in the form of the animals and plants for the benefit of the humans he would place in that creation. This was done for the purpose of changing his environment and populating it with other cognizant but lesser beings who are temporal for no revealed compelling reason other than it pleased him to have others to relate to, and ultimately elevate to his plane of existence. As the book of James shows:
(Jas 2:23) and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "AND ABRAHAM BELIEVED GOD, AND IT WAS RECKONED TO HIM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS," and he was called the friend of God.
This is an amazing statement that God now has “friends”. He created the opportunity to have something he never had which is friendship with his own creation. This was based on his awareness of his environment and his decision to change. Notice that James does not say “…he was called a possession of God…” or a thinking machine, an android, but a friend with all the personal intellectual interaction that friendship involves at many levels. This is a staggering concept which explains why we are so different from the animal kind.
Conceptual Creative Thought
While animals can use “creative” methods to extract food from the shell of a nut using a twig for example, it is creative thought but it is not conceptual creative thought. They do not contemplate the problem, conceive and fabricate a tool to assist the process; rather they use implements which already exist driven by instincts, which are patterned, stored, derived actions. Complexity of these patterns is not proof of conceptual creative thought; rather it is the manifestation of the patterned system of a pre-wired animal brain.
Human conceptual creative thought mimics God’s creativity only on a much smaller scale. It is intangible thought that may lead to action. A person can envision entirely within their mind a completely new way to crack a nut with a unique mechanism and choose never to make a physical model, or even draw the design on paper. This “thought device” is intangible but is a creative use of mind beyond the brain.
A similar argument made for information can be made for conceptual creative thought. Thought is independent of brain; thought has no mass - just like information - because it is the essence of information; thought is the first cause of information. It does not just spontaneously form. Thought is the result of deliberate and purposeful action using the brain; the physical and tangible “machine” that supports mind; the intangible application of the brain. The brain is the physical bio-chemical appliance that enables thought but it is not thought. Thought is the manifestation of mind just as a designed output in the form of a report is the manifestation of the programmer’s intent using the physical electro-mechanical machine; the computer. Notice I said programmers intent, not the program code since the program is an expression of the programmer and did not spontaneously come into existence. The program needed to be conceived in the mind of the programmer before it came into existence. It was then physically coded for a computer and once invoked resulted in a tangible report which the programmer originally intended in his or her intangible thoughts.
We have a quality about our though process not explainable by science, but it is an essence placed there by a greater power who in turn designed us. We are told it is spirit in nature:
(Job 32:8) "But it is a spirit in man, And the breath of the Almighty gives them understanding.
(1Co 2:11) For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God.
There can exist in the mind of a converted person, a Christian, two separate intangible entities: the temporal spirit of man, and the eternal Spirit of God both with the characteristics of being without a physical form or substance, mass or any other physical property; one perishable (the thoughts of man or spirit of man) the other eternal (the Spirit of God).
Abstract Thought
Whether the thoughts are the lofty concepts like mercy, justice, love, or base thoughts like covetousness, jealousy, and lust they are abstract in that they are not tangible and can not be measured by physical means. They can lead to tangible actions but the thoughts themselves are without material substance in areas that are meditative and exist only in the mind of a single person. These thoughts can be simple or complex and are unique to the human kind.
The ability to reason which is the capacity for rational thought based on inference or discrimination is another example of an enormous difference between the animal kingdom and mankind. There are fifteen or more separate methods of formal reasoning and logic that can be at work in our thought process. They are all a part of what makes a sound mind rational. This is not to say that the conclusions drawn by our human reasoning are true, moral, or valid, but it highlights the extreme difference of mind and brain. No physical process active within the human brain can explain why we can reason and the most intelligent of the animal kind can not.
God uses this capacity within us to attempt to convince us of proper actions:
(Isa 1:18) "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD, "Though your sins are as scarlet, They will be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They will be like wool. (Isa 1:19) "If you consent and obey, You will eat the best of the land; (Isa 1:20) "But if you refuse and rebel, You will be devoured by the sword." Truly, the mouth of the LORD has spoken.
Notice that his appeal to bless us is based on a conditional statement. “If you consent…” it is followed by a “then” statement; “You will eat…”. It is reasoning using cause and affect. Try to find an example of such a rational process among the animal kingdom; there is none. It is another proof that we have minds which fundamentally function on a different plane far above the animal brains which are incapable of reasoning.
Notice also that the ability to reason should not be confused with an inherent sense to reason that allows a person to determine which is right and wrong conduct. We have no such internal compass that will guide rational thought. Left alone humans fabricate a reality that is believed to be “rational” but is not. It is divorced from the true spiritual reality of right and wrong as defined by the fixed external source which created human intelligence, mind and reason; that source is God. In his realm that which is true today is true forever; it is absolute, created by a perfect mind and therefore it is not subject to reason leading to alteration of the truth. It has lead me to develop an axiom which states: All truth flows from God, it is external, and eternal.
Human reason with regard to morality is indeterminate, and subject to drift over time as a person is deluded by subtitle falsehoods which are accepted as truth. A classic example of this is the government of the United States, which is based on a written constitution with no reference to an external absolute moral code which can not be altered by humans. Over the two hundred plus years since that document was authored based on human reasoning, the concepts on which it was based have slowly been re-defined, and drifted. We see now that an act, which at the time the constitution was authored was considered wrong and criminal - like the abortion of a human fetus - is now “right” and socially acceptable based on human reason. Thankfully God suffers from no such moral drift or rationalization of basic truth which can flip flop right and wrong otherwise we would be praised in one era of time for an action which he could condemn us in another era after changing his mind. With God right is always right regardless of time or circumstance, and like wise wrong is always wrong for the same reason.
(Mal 3:6) "For I, the LORD, do not change; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed.
(Heb 13:8) Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Directed Uniqueness
All of this is about that portion of intelligence that is beyond the physical electro chemical firing of brain synapses, or storage of information in the electro-chemical charge in a brain cell. It is a huge differentiation between us and every other living organism on Earth. This ethereal element of mind apart from brain is the unique essence of what makes us human, not animal and which God calls the spirit in man. Directed uniqueness is visible in our actions, measurable in our achievements but without form or substance can not be humanly synthesized and therefore has been gifted by a higher, greater intelligence who in fact claims just that.
The transcendental difference between human mind and animal brain is one explained in scripture but rejected by materialists and others who do not recognize a higher intelligence.
(Gen 1:26) And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
(Gen 1:27) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
(Gen 1:28) And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
Human history shows the pattern of doing exactly what was directed by God based on being created in the image of a supreme being who endowed his creation with self-awareness, creative conceptual thought, and the ability to think abstractly - mind separate from brain - directed uniqueness. These gifts are exclusive to the human kind and because of them we were placed in a superior position to all other living things. It is proof of a higher intelligence gifting a lesser intelligence with control based on sentience. The charter for humans to have supremacy as described in the scriptures has resulted in planet wide control that includes:
1) Dominion over all other living things via the gift of mind and all which that entails. Even though not equipped with the power, mass or reflexes of some animals our mind sets us apart and in a superior position to the strongest, “smartest” animal.
2) Reproduction of humanity that is finite - had a beginning - and whose expansion is measurable, with a history of growth to the current world population but with the gift of reason so that the expansion could be limited if desired.
3) Control over the earth that is both constructive and destructive, but none the less total dominating worldwide control of all animal & plant life with the unique ability to choose to self-annihilate.
Quantitatively the human brain is similar to some animals in its size and structure but the enormous difference between mind and brain can not be explained by qualitative or quantitative comparison; we posses more that just a better brain, we posses a mind. This difference is observable in our behavior versus animals and all other organisms which can be summarized in:
1) Written and spoken language that communicates abstract ideas and concepts not present in animal activities.
2) A designed system of self government based on abstract concepts like freedom and liberty, in which both intellectual conduct and social behavior is controlled with alterable defined laws, along with a system of punishment for disobedience in place of animal instinct. It is infinitely adaptive and can change radically over a short period of time as circumstances change. Contrast this to instinctive values which are programmed and incapable of changing within a short time which has led to extinction of an entire species.
3) The ability to self-direct, to comprehend, plan, then change and adapt for the apparent or desired abstract future in ways not possible with blind instinct.
4) Effort; work, which produces purely aesthetic creations like art, music, and literature that have no value to facilitate survival or reproduction, and is incomprehensible by animal intelligence.
5) Inquisitive thought about origins of the physical universe and meta-physical concepts of eternity not exhibited or expressed by any animal intellect.
6) The desire to see and explore vistas which require exporting the environment beyond our place on earth in endeavors such as space travel or deep sea exploration where our life form can not exist without artificial means which we conceive, design and construct.
7) The ability to determine through reason that our actions are self-destructive and change our behavior or invent technologies like medical treatments or environmental alteration to avert extinction.
These differentiations transcend the bio-chemistry of life and cannot be explained by any known physical process, let alone those of slow random mutations or natural selection since these listed concepts of human civilization are intangible yet manifest themselves in tangible, measurable actions. They divide the physical world into only two classes of non-plant life: those that exhibit mind and those that don’t. Of those two classes humans are the only verifiable life form that are a part of the mind class, a sort of mind-kind, with all the thousands of other living non-plant organisms in the non-mind category. Is it reasonable to believe that if humans are the end result of a random process of slow mutation and adaptation then why is there no evidence of “proto humans” or for that matter any life who exhibits some of the characteristics of mind? No such creatures exist, or have existed; humans are unique. It is more likely that the complexity of human thought and mind, which are so remarkable, are another example of a superior intelligence that initiated & guided the design and creation of mind, and therefore it is further proof of God’s existence.
It is for these reasons that I am convinced that God made everything, including humankind, and set a difference between mind and brain that makes us unique. There is no evidence that will stand the test of comparison to these concepts that will convince me that we are an accident, that humans are the lucky recipients of entropy in reverse. It is irrational to believe that something as richly diverse, adaptive, creative and self-aware as your mind which is reading and comprehending these words is just the end result of mindless random chaos. Observing the world and universe around us shows that order comes only from order and God was the original source of that order and he gifted us with a tiny fraction of his nature to suit his purpose. Based on this I believe that God “is”, as scripture says; that he exists, and that he rewards those who diligently seek him. LT
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