We humans are cynical partly because it is a universal spirit of this and every age. We are unwittingly influenced by the “god of this age” as he is called in 2 Cor 4:4; none other than the fallen angel Satan. Cynicism is also present because we were born into a world where truth seems impossible to find. We have been lied to by scientists and deceived educators to scoff at any form of spiritual truth. Instead many ignorantly wrap themselves with a blind faith in evolutionary doctrine as a if it held truth. Science & academia claims evolution to be true and factual when if objectively examined it is riddled with gaping holes and leaps of logic that fail to explain the design and complexity of life or more importantly the true reason life was created. Scientists scour the heavens looking to “follow the water”, with the false belief that life will somehow be spontaneously generated from nothingness in the presence of water. This is a mindless belief & pursuit; a random creation without a creator & design without the existence of a designer. Just the opposite is true, God is the intelligence behind the design of life & every other physical thing.
We have been jilted by government & education, abused and mislead by institutions which call themselves Christian but deny the power of God or for that matter, the truth of his existence & his plan for his children. With that tapestry of deception, delusion, lies and hypocrisy is there any wonder that most people believe there is nothing true, right, and good enough to embrace and guide their lives?
Fortunately the truth is not dependent on humans to validate or approve. The truth was authored by the infinite perfect mind of God and his truth stands alone on its merits over millennia regardless of culture, technology, or social structure. We Americans pride ourselves in our national power, wealth and most of all freedom. What good is freedom if we willingly enslave ourselves to ideologies & beliefs that do not lead to true and lasting happiness but rather they subjugate us? Jesus spoke in John 8:32 “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." And that is the crux of the problem; we all are slaves to whatever human derived “truth” we believe because apart from the truth which God offers us there is no real freedom. It is a profound fact that truth is external to the human mind. It is not something we inherently posses, nor is it anything that can be discover through the scientific method, or philosophize about, or collectively vote and agree upon. This acknowledgment is the starting point to the path of real freedom. Truth comes directly from God and it is immutable. It is what the so called “American experiment” proves which is; humans if left alone, willfully ignorant of God’s truth, will ultimately drift away from sound true principles of life and happiness into self-indulgent, often aberrant behavior. Our history & culture is a testament to what rejection of God and his truth will yield. We are not alone in this, it is the destiny of every form of human governance which has been conceived by fallible humans since the first man and woman left the sheltered protection and instruction in truth offered in the Garden of Eden. It was their free uninhibited choice, one of their “unalienable rights” to choose to define good and evil and we have eaten from that deadly tree ever since.
Surely if there is truth then there must be a lie to oppose it. That lie is that you don’t need God or his meddling in your affairs, you somehow have an internal, innate sense of truth, a moral compass every bit as good as God’s. We think don’t need him, in fact we have been deceived into fallaciously thinking we are the supreme authority of right and wrong. The deception of inherent internal morality is believed to lead to happiness. If that is so then why has there never been a time in the history of humanity when peace & happiness has ruled our lives, our families, or our societies? Why has there been this unending march like lemmings over the cliff of destruction & suffering through out all of the collective history of humanity? Constant war, constant strife, constant suffering starting with our private lives to the way nations miss-behave and brutalize their own citizens and others nations.
The best possible news for all humanity, for every race is that there is a way back to the garden, to escape the consequence and enslavement which living a lie brings. That way is complete and total surrender to the truth. A truth which includes the fact we are lost without God and his direction. Pontius Pilate didn’t ask “what is truth” expecting an answer, but there is one. The truth includes the absolute fact that God the Father wants all humanity to join him in one great family with a future that has no end, in a perfect government, ruled by the Messiah, based on true principals that absolutely guarantees eternal life, eternal liberty, and the eternal pursuit of happiness. It is all up to us, we can either cling stubbornly to our way, our delineation of truth, or surrender to his will, recant our old ways, learn the truth and start living an abundant life now and be forever free of enslavement to a lie which is older than humanity.