Spiritual DNA
Since the discovery of DNA in 1953 by Nobel winning researchers Watson and Crick the scientific community has gained a broad understanding of the miracle we call life. DNA and its unique structure contains the instructions on how all life, including human life, is built. From single cell amoebas to the Great Blue whale all life develops from the blueprint of life transmitted via DNA. But just like any building blueprints DNA only conveys the instructions from the mind of the architect to the builder via information.
Information has several unique characteristics. It has no mass or physically measurable dimensions, and it is created only by intelligence. There is no such thing a spontaneous generation of intelligent information. So it is with DNA which is only the medium not the message just as I am communicating this information from the intelligence resident in my mind to your mind via the electronic media of the internet. I am using language to transmit my thoughts. My message and the information it conveys is independent of the internet connection, which is controlled by the laws of physics. Our thoughts have no mass and are dimensionless but they can be relayed mind to mind by some media.
The media of DNA shows us that there was an intelligence behind our existence. DNA’s purposeful arrangement expresses language which has a four letter alphabet consisting of the four basic amino acids, It has proper spelling of the letters so they have meaning and finally the words have syntax, they must be properly arranged to convey the instructions, which is the intelligent plan that builds life from the inanimate raw materials or food which nourish all cells.
It is evident by the unique properties of DNA that life was created by a supreme intelligence. The Bible confirms this in the first chapter; the book of Genesis, or the book of origins, where the being known as God proclaims he made the universe as well as all self-replicating life on our wondrous earth. But why just create a planet, stock it with life with no purpose? The truth, which is more profound than the discovery of DNA, is that God who made all things has a plan for his creation, encoded in a kind of spiritual DNA.
The knowledge of his plan, his spiritual DNA, in which he transcribed the instructions on how to develop into a new creation has been encoded in the medium he chose, in the word of God we call the Bible. By his intelligence and through the media of the Bible written in our language the creator has given humanity crucial instructions; information from his intelligence to ours. By doing this he has crossed the barrier of the spirit world to our realm of the physical. The message is one of incredible scope and depth. He has transmitted instructions on how we might cross the boundary between mortality and immortality and to join him in a kingdom he is preparing that will soon displace all physical governments on earth.
Just like a physical organism needs food to enable it to reach its full potential, so it is with a spiritual organism. That food is disseminated on this website and in congregations around the world by the Church of God the body of believers entrusted with the bread of life. The spiritual creation God can bring to life in you will follow the spiritual genetic instructions to become a new life form. At the return of the Messiah to earth you will be able to join with other new spiritual creations who will no longer need flesh and blood to sustain themselves because they will be immortal.
Isn't it time to do a little spiritual DNA research in the pages of your Bible and find out what kind of new creation God wants you to become?